Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do girls get into relationships with emotionally vacant men?

Because we consider it a challenge. We always think that we're special enough that we can change his point of view. If I spend enough time on him, he will come around and love me. It took so much time and energy to find this one, I don't want to go through that again and probably end up with somebody worse.Why do girls get into relationships with emotionally vacant men?
They hope that they can change them and make them better.Why do girls get into relationships with emotionally vacant men?
Because there's only room for one drama queen in a relationship, and I think we're all less disturbed if that's not the man. But seriously, I think women are naturally drawn to men who seem strong and confident -- hell, men are drawn to other men who seem strong and confident -- and only later realize that most of those men are just repressed and in self-denial. It's annoying I realize. But hey, many men are often so busy being emotionally vacant that they fail to notice they're paying most of the bills and getting the short end on birthdays and anniversaries, and that's some consolation for their women.
Good question, probably because women tend to make judgements based on personality too quickly. (formal dates are taken to be how men act on a regular basis), so if a guy is nice the girl thinks this is how he always acts. He plays the game and she plays into it, as opposed to perhaps an emotional guy who actually cares more and is more honest on a formal date.

Short Answer: There are some lies women like.
What choice do we have???
';Our two minds .... One is an act of the emotional

mind, the other of the rational mind. In a very real

sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that

feels'; (Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence,

Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1996, page 8).

The Upanishads call the emotional component of mind as

Chitta and the rational component of mind as Manas. In

general, women excel in Chitta and men excel in


Manas is the conscious component of mind. A man mostly

looks at the beauty of a woman and her attractiveness.

You must have observed one thing. A beautiful woman

rarely becomes the wife of a handsome man. They usually

choose an average man, and many a times a below average

man. The reason is they use Chitta which is the

sub-conscious component of mind. Why they choose that

way is beyond reason.

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