Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do people really have intimate relationships with their pets and/or animals?

I don't think that is the ';intimate relation'; the questioner is talking about.

Umm, it's been known to happen. I have heard second hand reports. (Thank goodness I've never actually WITNESSED anything like that). I've also had someone to tell me they saw it on video.

Then there's the guy who died not too long ago because he tried to see what it would feel like with a horse. And no, it wasn't damage caused by the horse's hooves.

And then there's the guy who had a web page proclaiming that he was married to a dolphin.

OK, that's enough of THAT, let's move on to the next question, shall we?Do people really have intimate relationships with their pets and/or animals?
If you define intimate relationships as a close knit bond between the pet and their owner, then yes.

If the owner spends enough time with the pet, the pet will become quite used to the owner.

Many animals, however, espcially those who are not normally social in the wild, have varying levels of being 'socal' to humans.

Those animals who are social however, thend to form quite strong bonds with their owners.

Macaws for example form a life long bond with their owner, and switching them between owners tends to put them into a state of depression untill they can trust their new owners.

The anwser to your question is yes.

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