Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does it ever happen that doctors, lawyers etc go for relationships?

with working class people with no qualifications. Personally ive never heard a case of it happening, have you?Does it ever happen that doctors, lawyers etc go for relationships?
My boyfriend is a lawyer, and I am a bartender. He is a wonderful, caring person. I may not have a formal education, but we get along perfectly.Does it ever happen that doctors, lawyers etc go for relationships?
I am a PhD psychology student, member of mensa and international high IQ society, my husband is a window cleaner. We have been together 14years and married 3 this August. We adore each other very much, we are best friends of course the fact that he is loyal, faithful, tolerant, tall dark handsome and sporty does help.
only if the working class person is really fit.
They fall for their patients/clients all the time.
The one in the working class would have to be extrememly HOT.
Nope, they're a snobby lot! On second thoughts, they're probably afraid you would be just after their money!

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