Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Poll>How do you handle long distance relationships well or badly?

Very well with the right person. It takes a great deal of trust, patience and great communication on the part of both parties. Like any other kind of good relationship it takes work and if both are willing it can be wonderful.Poll%26gt;How do you handle long distance relationships well or badly?
Hi Hollywood Baby,

I thought everything was going well and then a Big Slap in My Face!!! Badly!!!

Your Friend,

poppy1Poll%26gt;How do you handle long distance relationships well or badly?
I never had a long distance relationship.
Very well actually. I buy long distance prepaid phone cards for only $5 and I can talk for 2 freaking hours!!
well I give it the proper communication.
Well .........not so well .......conditions deteriorating ......intervention advised ......
i handle it bad in the beginning but good after the 1st month
That all depends on how often we get to have sex.

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