Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is there any sim2 games with relationships in?

Such as kissing, friendship because I am a teenager and I get terrible bored you can also give me any other games and websites thank you xxIs there any sim2 games with relationships in?
That's what sims games are all about!

You can just buy the Sims 2 by itself or buy expansions to get more social interactions.Is there any sim2 games with relationships in?
He爷 g蠀y褧 I'谓e been 蠅it一 ga屑efl爷.co屑 for over a month now and 褨t's total螜爷 a蠅s慰屑e! T一e爷 h邪谓e over 6000 谐enta螜 gam萤s t慰 ch慰os萤 fr慰屑, y慰u 褉ick t一e one you want and 褨t'褧 sent to you w褨th free shi褉p褨ng and n慰 螜ate r萤tu谐n fee褧. I h邪ven't boug一t 邪 鞋ad gam萤 sinc萤 I joined because I get to t谐y the屑 all out first before I buy! There'褧 邪 f谐e萤 10 d邪y tr褨al h萤谐e http://erurontes.creatzy.org (k萤ep trying if the site w慰n't load 褨m屑edi邪t萤l爷 :-) ) 萤ve谐ybody'褧 jo褨ning 鞋萤褋au褧萤 it's just soo慰 褋oo螜!
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