Friday, November 25, 2011

How important is sex in your marriage or relationships?

It's very important. Especially when throughout the day, children work and other things take up so much of each others day, it's nice to meet in the bed when you can be all alone with your spouse, and share the one part of each other that hasn't already been demanded from you during the day. It also gives a feeling of being connected to each other physically, and mentally. That feeling of closeness with my wife is what gets me through those crappy days when it feels like the whole world is out to get me.How important is sex in your marriage or relationships?
Sex is not all that important, but making love is very important.How important is sex in your marriage or relationships?
Very important. I would guess it's pretty important to most people, but they may not want to admit it because they think it's shallow, but come on, grown people don't date or get married to NOT have sex.......
Very a sexual act but most of all as an act of intimacy.
being sexually compatible is important. If one wants it more than the other, one will feel cheated and the other will feel used.
Sex, Sex, Sex, boy, thats a defanition all by its self.

Sex in boyfriend and girlfriend relation ships is not a very important act to do, but when you are married that is a totaly different matter all by itself.

Sex in the marrige is , vittale, union, love as one, a way for the man and a woman to become as one.

Do you read the Bible?

Well if you do, you find how important it truely is in the marriage.

The Bible states that the man is the head of the house hold and that a woman should if possable subbmit to her husband at all times.

Look in the Bible under refrnces, to find the ansewers you are looking for, in the what is the womans role as a wife.
not that important b/c in relationship it shouldnt be the only thing....a couple should go out and have fun alot and they should get is just something to do
It's necessary to understand how each other sees its importance.

As my wife and I deal with the exhausting task of parenthood among other lifestyle matters, we can at least appreciate that we empathize for each other in that way, until our next opportunity to consummate our relationship.

Because I would miss sex during a dry spell (and have), it's quite important to at least express this.
Very important, especially for males. Sometimes, when everything else fails, this is the last string that binds.

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