Totally important and essential - it brings joy to EVERY moment!HOW important and essential is the HAPPINESS in married couples and others romantic relationships?
Happiness tops the list of important things. All the rest flows from it.
Romance, sex, fulfilment etc. are effects not causes. Happiness is the cause of all the rest.
Don't worry, be happy.
all things change, happiness will mean different things in the life of a relationship, based on how long the couple are together. The giddy stupid happy, brought on by hormones, during the courtship and initial phase of the relationship is bound to change. If it didn't it would be just like an addiction because you would need more to get you to the same high
(been there done that ...sound familiar) so giddy happy, is replaced with satisfied happy, then to comfortable happy .....and on and on. If you can't bear the loss of the first then be upfront with yourself and anyone you are involved with. It will save time, heartache and face
that is one of the most important things in your marriage.if you are not happy with your mate how can you be happy spending a lifetime with them? it just wont work!!!!!!!!!
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