Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do women think that they're the only ones that end up hurt in relationships?

And maybe I don't want rush into anything because I don't want to get hurt again?Do women think that they're the only ones that end up hurt in relationships?
No, it's just that we're more outspoken about it.Do women think that they're the only ones that end up hurt in relationships?
no - i believe women's egos get hurt in relationships and that's it. can't stand the thought that a man could possibly not want to be with them and turn bitter b****** about it and sometimes even scary. it's flimsy evidence to back up my theory, but listen to break-up songs from any period by women and men. typically men's sing of heartache and total loss and are the heart-string pulling, sentimental songs. women's are more often about how quickly they got over him and how she had someone in the backup spot anyway. too many games if you ask me. no matter who gets hurt more, everyone seems to have an agenda these days anyway.
Most women seem to think so. Men definitely get hurt but those women don't realize it because they seem to want to get with d-bags. Just hang in there, man.
Nope. Men end up hurt, too
Most of the time.

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