Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do people's religious beliefs affect your real-life relationships with them?

I mean, here we're a bunch of total unknowns, peddling our beliefs and bashing others' beliefs...

How do you deal with peoples of other faiths? For example, I'm married to a Catholic woman, and although we occasionally discuss religions, we're generally happy...How do people's religious beliefs affect your real-life relationships with them?
I have friends of all sorts: a fundamentalist Christian, an atheist, an agnostic...generally, I have no problem whatsoever because I respect them enough not to say anything to bash their beliefs, and they respect me enough not to bash mine. ^_^How do people's religious beliefs affect your real-life relationships with them?
I broke up with a girl because she wanted me (an out atheist) to help her raise our kids in her church.

Other than that, it's been relatively live-and-let-live in my neighborhood.
I'm married to a christian. He knows better than to ask me to go to church. We have no issues with religion. He goes, and I don't. The kids can go or not. Sometimes they do; sometimes they don't.
Unless they are trying to cram it down my throat, I don't generally let it affect my views of them as a person.
My whole family are Christians. I try not to talk to them about it because they don't like any rational discussion about it, but I get really sick of having to hear about their religion and then not allowed to respond without being preached/yelled at. Hence, my attempt to avoid the topic.

I am lucky though that the person I am in love with is also an atheist.
I have never had a problem dealing with people of different faiths. One of my best friends is an atheist. However, we agree on most of our morals, and how to treat others.
if you are happy with will be happy with others.

my faith makes me happy and content...
They don't generally affect my relationships with people, so long as they aren't pushy about their beliefs. I only find it really irritating when someone wears their faith on their sleeve and makes a big thing of it. But if they keep it more or less to themselves, it doesn't bother me.
I'm lucky enough to live in a fairly secular country. I have only ever had one person ask me my religion that I can remember. Religion isn't a priority here so religion actually has no affect on my real-life relationships.
I generally do not get into religious discussions with folks.

I have a few folks here in the office that are religious. I try to be respectful to that. I am secure enough in my own religion so that I don't feel the need to argue with others, debate, or preach. Quite frankly, I also am secure enough in my own intelligence to not have to argue constantly to try and look like a smarty pants.

I have a few friends who are religious and I find that simply saying that I believe in ';God'; (I don't find it necessary to clarify my definition for them) but don't like the hypocrisy of churches is fine. I even took Communion in a Catholic Cathedral for my Cousin's wedding because it meant SO much to her. Those little wafers taste terrible. But a little cheese whiz sure helps (long story). ;)
In real life, when I see one of my fundamentalist Xian ';friends'; coming, I try to get away before they see me.
i am dating another atheist, as i could never date a religious person.

i generally have a hard time being more than casual friends with believers because when you disagree on a topic that is such a big part of both of your lives, it is hard to respect each other. if i have a friend and she thinks i am going to hell and i think she is bat **** crazy, then it is hard to get along.

but like i said, casual friends are fine, as long as we just avoid the topic. because in my experience, after a debate with a friend about religion, the friendship is never the same.
Well, I know this girl who wants to date me. But her family is hardcore fundamentalist Christian. She's not as bad as them, but she's still a little too hardcore for me. I know if the subject ever came up, we'd fight and probaby break up over it, so I just decided not to go out with her at all.

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