its your hormones it brings back all sorts of memories. im almost 11 weeks gone and since the early weeks ive thought a lot about things that happened in my past, even stuff i didnt remember before i was pregnant. and recently i thought about a certain someone aswell. i think its just the way your hormones work and also your mind deciding if you made the right choices in life. there will always be thoughts like this maybe even doubts, but at the end of the day everything happens for a reason. you have a beautiful daughter and a baby son on the way, look to the future with them and accept this was the way your life was supposed to turn out. i am concentrating on my baby now rather than my past, and hopefully all these memories will pass. if it doesnt improve, then it could be more to do with an unresolved issue from your past, this is what i was told and i believe is true for myself. talk to someone about this it might help you make sense of it all and move on. good luck.Dreaming of past relationships while pregnant?
Pregnancies, like other milestones, make you reflect on the past, as well as the future. I just turned 50 and had a dream last night that I was making out with some boy I lusted after in the 9th grade. I think as you reflect on your life you think about many things, even if you are not consciously aware of it, so this is likely what's happening with you.
I used to disect dreams and stuff like that! I could tell you a lot of detail by your dreams! While I barely remember any now...I DO remember that when you dream of an ex it simply means you are confident and secure in your relationship now!
While, I don't get into that stuff anymore with disecting dreams or anything of that my religion has COMPLETELY changed.....NOW...I would say this....
When we are pregnant our hormones are crazy, and you are probably having dreams of this because you are happy and dont' want anything to come in and ruin it! so i would say maybe its a nightmare......And nightmares are well known in many ladies pregnancies!!!!
Just focus on your life and not your dreams! :)
I wish i knew the reason, but I don't I just wanted to tell you I dream of a few of my ex's... and I'm pregnant. It's the hormones. It's really random though, and kind of makes you wonder why you aren't dreaming of your babies father... I have REALLY strange dreams now, though.
I don't know the reasoning behind it, but I asked the same question recently, and most people said it was hormones. I was dreaming of an ex that I hadn't seen in almost 6 years.
Its your hormones and you dream funny anyway when you are pregnant, its all about the feeling of a threatened family unit, and security. Your happy, babys happy - don't fret x
i know how u feel.. i would ask myself the same question.. i thought i was crazy.. i was like.. why am i dreaming of him.. i dont have feelings for him.. it was driving me crazy.. but its nice to know im not alone on this one..
Sorry I don't know a psychological reason, other than just increased hormones, but it means nothing. It's happened to me, too.
I am with you on this one. I have had some crazy dreams that have involved ex's. I wake up and think.....y?!?!?! I have been with my husband for 5 years.
this is the original,the most loved one will come on your remembrance in that situation is very commen.
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