Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do long distance relationships work?

Me and my boyfriend probably won't be together 2 years from now but if we are and get into different schools that are 1-3 hours apart, would it work?

We trust each other a lot and we've got a pretty open relationship and I think that helps. He's like a best friend, boyfriend, and therapist all put into one. But right now we live less than a mile away from eachother and we're not used to being apart.Do long distance relationships work?
ive been with my bestfriend/ boyfriend for 3 years, all long distance and we are about an hour or more apart.

it works with alot of effort, but trust me its the hardest thing i have ever had to do in my life.Do long distance relationships work?
If you have a strong relationship and just stay in contact often the relationship will last. It's about how strong your feelings are about staying together.Webcam's do wonders on days you cant see each other. My husband and I met when he was stationed in Japan and I was in TN we kept the relationship going and we have now been married for over three years. Good Luck!
Well I'm 13 and believe it or not I'm in a long distance relationship AND WE ARE STATES APART!!!!!! It's working out wonderfuly for us so I think 1 to 3 hours will work to

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