Friday, July 30, 2010

Most important elements in full and satisfying sexual relationships?

one of the most important elements in full and satisfying sexual relationships is

A. effective mutual communication

B. equality of experince

C. knowledge of various sexual techniques

D. the availability of a variety of partners

any ideas which one is currect? thanksMost important elements in full and satisfying sexual relationships?
A - every one is different, and of course you past does help, but you must be felxiable in any new relastionship.Most important elements in full and satisfying sexual relationships?
For me, A is the most important. Variety of partners

doesn't matter if you're committed to just one, doesn't matter

how much experience either of you has, and the technique

thing you just work out between yourselves as you go along.
definitely A. if you have communication with your partner, you can come up with new ';ways';.
Effective communication is impotant in any relationship
effective mutual communication without it nothing else works
first of all, currect is spelled CORRECT. and letter A is the answer.
I say C.
you need BOTH A and C.

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