Friday, July 30, 2010

Is it true that all lesbians had disasterous relationships with their fathers?

Oh, definitely not. It's all just a matter of perspective. If this is a question which reflects your own concerns for ';coming out';, then listen up. If not, listen up anyways.

Nobody has to explain their sexuality to anyone, or try to modify it to please anyone but themselves. If someone is afraid of what their father might think of their homosexual tendencies then they need to take a breather and think it through. Try to gently approach the subject. They need to show their paternal caregiver that they are happy with who they are, and that he needs to accept that this is the life given to his daughter.

It also depends on who one's father is. What his beliefs are, and if he can make a exception for his daughter, which he should, seeing that she's his daughter. A father should be able to put all hands aside and love his children for who they are, despite his religion, or traditions, or opinions. Of course, this is hard, but he can still carry his identity all the while supporting his child. It doesn't make him a hypocrite, it makes him a loving father.

Not all fathers have disastrous relationships with their lesbian daughters. That's just a stereotype that is long outdated and whoever made it a stereotype should be shot. People need to accept all sexualities, religions, races different than their own if we want to attain peace in this world.

And if a father doesn't approve of his daughter ******* other girls, than he's going to have to get used to it.

Love can conquer a heck of a lot. Just remember that ;)Is it true that all lesbians had disasterous relationships with their fathers?
no. maybe for some.Is it true that all lesbians had disasterous relationships with their fathers?
While I have no facts to back this up, my best guess would be NO!!!!!
No it is not true. Women who have been sexually molested as children are more apt to become lesbian, not necessarily fathers....
no, would told you that?
that is psycho blabber bull****. I am bi and i seriously just appreciate a womans body. And i love my daddy very very much.
no not at all. i'm a lesbian and me and my father are like best friends!

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