Friday, July 30, 2010

Do you ever feel like you want sex and relationships/ emotions to be completely seperate?

i do, but i'm too afraid to say it outloud.

im a chick.

and i just want to get laid without the emotional attachmentDo you ever feel like you want sex and relationships/ emotions to be completely seperate?
yea. that's what phuck buddies are for.Do you ever feel like you want sex and relationships/ emotions to be completely seperate?
Guys usually say that!

In my experience, even when women say they feel that way, they end up feeling bad about themselves and feeling used.

I'm not judging, I'm just saying that's what I see happen.
Yea, I know what you mean. Then again most girls look at guys badly if they just want sex with no strings attached.

I want emotional attachment when I make love.

Sounds like you just need to be Bed Buddies with someone...
Yes!! Sometimes it works out better that way!
well buddy its ur life and ur choice and i have no right to tell u what to do... but my suggestion is ... its a bad idea......
no not really i think just the opposite.
Are you 'legal'?

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